Jan 28, 2024
This sermon explores the concept of trials and how believers can choose to become better rather than bitter when facing challenges. It uses examples from the stories of Joseph, Jonah, and Job to illustrate the importance of remaining faithful and blessing God during trials. The sermon concludes with a prayer for...
Jan 22, 2024
This sermon titled "Live Generously Toward God" discusses the connection between generosity and spiritual growth. Pastor Phil emphasizes the importance of giving and references over 2,000 biblical passages about money. He shares his own journey of financial struggles to stability by following biblical principles of...
Jan 14, 2024
Discover how generosity mirrors God's nature and how we all are endowed with the ability to be generous. Learn about the three key areas of generosity: talents, treasure, and time. Pastor Phil motivates us to use our talents for serving others, employ our resources for blessing those in need, and devote our time to...
Jan 8, 2024
Money itself is not evil; it is how we use it that matters. True happiness does not come from wealth, and contentment is found in being satisfied with what we have. Money can distract us from our relationship with God and lead to worry and comparison. Living generously with our resources towards others and God...