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LifePoint Church Longwood

Jan 26, 2014

After Habakkuk's gripping prayer we find that God is not afraid to answer with some direct words of His own. Trouble is, Habakkuk didn't get the answer he hoped for. Instead, he found out that God has his own plan for bringing the wicked nation to justice - by using an outside nation of bandits and warriors worse than...

Jan 19, 2014

Special guest speaker, Andrea Krazeise, director of the Sanford and Oviedo Crisis Pregnancy Center, gives a special message honoring life in all it's forms.

Jan 12, 2014

This week we started a new teaching series in the Old Testament book of Habakkuk. The raw emotion and words of Habakkuk are striking in that they are honest and real. 

Jan 9, 2014

 This is part three in a series about who we strive to be as a church family. Enjoy! 

Jan 2, 2014

When Jesus came into the world people were able to experience "Immanuel" for the first time - God With Us. And while "God With Us" is certainly good - "Christ In You" is a million times better. Find out what God's true mission for Jesus was and why Christmas is a perfect opportunity to learn the difference between "God...