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LifePoint Church Longwood

May 28, 2017

Pastor Phil teaching on Titus 3:1-8 regarding the doctrine and duty of Christians to practice good works but to view others with compassion and grace.

May 21, 2017

Pastor Phil points out that when we profess to be Christian but act in an opposite way, we are affecting the Gospel. His message in Titus this morning give us guidelines to live the Christian life. 

May 14, 2017

LifePoint Partner, Carmen Espada, presents a Mother's Day message that tells her testimony of God's calling and His Word that brought her to accept Christ and handle a most difficult time in her life. 

May 7, 2017

Pastor Phil's series in Titus takes us further into Paul's letter. Paul lays out a groundwork of qualifications for the leaders of the Church in Titus. These same qualities are ours today in our belief in Christ that gives us grace and that grace gives godliness in our lives and relationships.