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LifePoint Church Longwood

Aug 28, 2016

In the Parable of the Vineyard, Pastor Phil's explains how the Kingdom of Heaven is happening now - it is God's plan for everything revealed in the character of Christ. Through the verses of this parable, we ask "What's in it for me?"; "Why Can't I have more?"; and "Why them, not me?". We learn that we should be...

Aug 21, 2016

In today's message, Pastor Phil uses the Parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector as the backdrop to show us how there is a wrong way to be right and a right way to be wrong. We learn how we create our own self-righteousness where the only true righteousness comes to us when we are justified by God's grace which He...

Aug 14, 2016

Today Pastor Phil explores 3 of the main reasons we are Baptised. We are shown that Baptism is a symbol of a new life in Christ; through Baptism our old ways are gone and we have a new life in Christ and we are Baptised in obedience to Christ.

Aug 7, 2016

Pastor Phil teaches this morning on Communion, bringing in Biblical and historical roots to what Jesus said at the Last Supper. We are shown how easy it is for us to forget how we are redeemed, accepted and your past is no more when we are part of a life in Christ Jesus.