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LifePoint Church Longwood

Sep 29, 2013

This week we continue our long-running teaching series in the book of Galatians. 

Sep 20, 2013

The Bible says so much about money. More than 800 Bible verses address the issue. Of the 29 parables that Jesus taught, more than half of them were on the topic of money. The truth is that when it comes to money, God is in control. How can we trust that? How can believe that? In this message, Pastor Phil shares 3 keys...

Sep 18, 2013

We can learn the greatest of lessons from the smallest of God's creatures. Take a listen and find out how to save and invest money by observing the behavior of the humble Formicidae, a.k.a. the ANT.

Sep 6, 2013

Would you believe that God cares more about the money that you DON'T give to the church than we DO give. Don't believe me? Come to LifePoint on September 1st and find out!