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LifePoint Church Longwood

Jul 30, 2017

As Pastor Jan concludes his series on Joshua, his message this morning focuses on our salvation is in God, who always offers mercy, hope and refuge through Jesus Christ.

Jul 23, 2017

The 3rd message in Pastor Jan's series on Joshua.

Jul 16, 2017

This morning, Pastor Jan continues his sermon series in Joshua. He asks some very compelling questions that impact our daily lives and he shows us that each answer is right in the Scriptures. He shows us how to face and conquer our own personal Jerichos.

Jul 9, 2017

Pastor Jan begins a new teaching series, Journey to The Promised Land - a study of the book of Joshua. We learn that Joshua gives us many lessons on how we can free ourselves from bondage to sin and the ways of this world. This morning, through the story of Rahab, we learn that it is never too late to bring God into our...

Jul 2, 2017

This morning LifePoint's Missionary Team 2017 share their stories and insights from their trip to Haiti June 22-27.