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LifePoint Church Longwood

Apr 28, 2019

This morning at LifePoint Christian Church, Associate Pastor Jan Puterbaugh asks us challenging questions similar to what was asked right after the resurrection of Jesus by His followers. Who is Jesus? Who is Jesus to you? Do you recognize Jesus in your life?

Apr 21, 2019

LifePoint Christian Church celebrates Easter with a powerful message from Lead Pastor Phil Ayres. Because Jesus is Risen we can receive the best gift ever given, return to God and rejoice! Easter is every minute of every day since Jesus rolled away from the stone from the tomb!

Apr 14, 2019

As LifePoint Christian Church celebrates Palm Sunday, Pastor Phil's message examines just how close our reactions today to Jesus and who He is are so very much like those of the people of Jerusalem as they witnessed Jesus' triumphal ride into the city that begins a series of events leading up to Easter. 

Apr 7, 2019

This week LifePoint Christian Church concludes its series Be the Blessing. Family Pastor Matt Clark's message this week illustrates through the story of Zacchaeus how we need to put ourselves in someone else's shoes, flip the coin over to see the other side, and engage in seeing the bigger picture so that through...