Aug 25, 2019
LifePoint Christian Church continues the teaching series Prove It. Pastor Phil explores the many aspects of light vs darkness in the context of God, who is love, vs the World, where sin has the cost of death.
Aug 18, 2019
Pastor Phil, Lead pastor at LifePoint Christian Church, begins a new teaching series Prove It. This introduction enables us to more fully understand the Epistle of 1 John by laying the groundwork to more fully understand the history of the culture and relevant circumstances enabling us a better understand this Epistle...
Aug 11, 2019
Listen to how Star Wars intersects with Babylon University this morning at LifePoint Christian Church as guest speaker Zack Baldwin, of InterVaristy Christian Fellowship, delivers a fascinating message.
Aug 4, 2019
This morning at LifePoint Christian Church, Lead Pastor, Phil Ayres, has an intriguing message. We are challenged every day to find time to pray. We find the most important, yet uncomplicated things can be the hardest to accomplish. Pastor Phil gives us easy, straightforward guidelines to help to "pray without ceasing."