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LifePoint Church Longwood

Jul 31, 2016

Pastor Jan concludes his four-week study on the Beatitudes. His series shows us the blessings we receive by putting each one into action in our daily lives.

Jul 24, 2016

LifePoint Christian Church continues as Pastor Jan continues his series on the 8 Beatitudes. He asks you to keep in mind that "Life is not about the quantity of the things we do, it is about the quality of our daily walk" while stressing a blessed life starts with these attitudes. 

Jul 17, 2016

Pastor Jan continues his series on the Beatitudes sharing awesome nuggets of the genesis that Jesus packed into these verses. We learn that if we understand that meekness is strength under control. It is not weakness as just one of the many nuggets of Jesus' genesis in this week's message.

Jul 10, 2016

Pastor Jan begins his new series, Stairway to the Kingdom of Heaven, which is based on Jesus' words spoken in the Sermon on the Mount. He explains how Jesus does not start His sermon with rules but with the attitudes we need to carry in our heart, the core of everything Jesus ever taught.

Jul 3, 2016

What does it mean to be "dressed" with the following characteristics? Compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and Patience? Pastor Phil walks us through this practical section of scripture.