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LifePoint Church Longwood

Sep 27, 2020

Associate pastor Jan Puterbuagh helps us to understand how we, like Paul in Philippians, need to keep pressing on. We have all done things which we regret or are ashamed of. We live in this tension of who we have been and who we want to be. But because of our hope in Jesus Christ we can let it go, we can press on....

Sep 21, 2020

Lead pastor Phil Ayres introduces us to 2 men who were key during Paul's imprisonment in the book of Philippians. Sharing their unique personality qualities that we should strive to emulate. Encouraging us to adopt these qualities at home, work, church, and beyond.

Sep 13, 2020

Family pastor Matt Clark reveals to us to how we can learn to humble ourselves. Have the mind of Christ. How Christ is exalted. And finally we are given a snapshot of the Glory of Christ through the words of Paul in Philippians. 

Sep 6, 2020

The world has so many issues happening right now that are dividing us. At the time of Paul's writing of Philippians, this was happening as well. Lead pastor, Phil Ayres, reveals Paul's secret for unity in the church to overcome the power of Satan, who seeks to divide us.